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Borderland Page 2

  Harry thought back to the first time she brought him home to meet her Dad. Travis tried to be pleasant, considering the awkwardness that already existed between father and daughter, but in his futile attempts to be friendly, he only managed to seem aloof. He found fault with anything the boyfriend said or did, passive-aggressive, infuriating Karen so much that she decided her allegiance was with Jonathon, the one who had been there for her more recently, the one who cared deeply for her. She knew they were falling in love.

  Within a few days, the couple left for school and Karen’s visits home came less frequently, relying more on phone calls to bridge the distance.

  On those occasional visits, when she tried to bring up Jonathon, Travis only turned a deaf ear; it hurt to know that another man had taken his place although he never admitted it.

  Sadly, when Karen and Jonathon were married just two years later, her dad did not attend the ceremony. After the wedding, moving to California, she tried to maintain contact through phone calls, cards and letters but there was always this friction between them. She felt she was putting out all the effort and getting little in return, so she justified her decision to limit contact with her dad by reasoning that she and Jonathon ran a very successful real estate agency, and the pressures of running the business took up most of her time.

  Her husband loved her dearly, feeling the same disappointment from dwindling contact with Travis, but any time Jonathon encouraged her to communicate with her Father, he was often met with steely resistance.

  Harry, pondering Travis’ sudden change of heart, was surprised to hear his good friend and employer admit he might be wrong and ask to see his daughter again.

  “And, I want you to call Jake Turner and explain the changes in my will.”

  Harry’s guard immediately went up at the mention of the attorney; there was something about that man he did not trust. He knew Travis had been very impressed with the young attorney, recently out of law school, when he interviewed him to take over his account. He had come well recommended by John Hawkins, one of the partners in the law firm where Jake worked. John had always handled his account, but he was distributing responsibilities to others in the office due to impending retirement. Travis arranged a meeting with Jake and went away with a satisfying feeling that John’s replacement was a trustworthy young man.

  Just a few months ago, when Travis was told that he had terminal cancer and didn’t have long to live, Jake had been very helpful in arranging his financial situation so that he wouldn’t have to worry about his medical and living expenses. Travis delegated affairs to the new attorney, knowing he would take care of any matters that might come up.

  But Harry had heard some rumors that Jake might be dismissed from the law firm. The partners were disappointed in his work and he was away from the office more and more frequently. His clients were beginning to phone in and complain.

  Acknowledging this developing dependence on Jake, Harry was concerned, and, with the stories floating around, he made a mental note to check the latest bank statements.

  When Harry suffered a heart attack five years ago, Travis asked him to move in. Looking back, it was a gesture that benefited both men. Now that they were retired from the insurance business, Harry’s duties were to oversee the house and Travis. Unofficially, they enjoyed the companionship and took care of each other. Their loyalty went beyond the normal boundaries of friendship.

  “Harry, were you listening to me?”

  Hearing the question, he jumped slightly, his concentration broken. Travis had his full attention. The concern about the bank statements was pushed into the recesses of his mind and memory.

  Harry gathered his thoughts and concentrated on what had just been said. “Of course, Travis. I’ll make the call tomorrow morning.” But, as he picked up his book and began to read, he was soon lost in the story, his desire to check the statements and the request to make a call to Jake Turner forgotten entirely.


  In the days that followed, Harry utilized every spare minute to care for Travis and to ready the house for Karen’s stay. When he talked with her, she had indicated that she would wind up some business affairs and then catch the next available flight to see her father; there had been no reluctance in her voice.

  A self-satisfied smile crossed his face when he remembered the talks he had had with Travis over the last few weeks, urging him to ‘set things right with Karen’. At first Travis had been very resistant, roaming around the house in a foul mood, criticizing everything and everyone in his way. As the weeks wore on, Harry noticed him becoming more introspective, indicating inner turmoil, and his demeanor showed it.

  Then, the surprising request to summon Karen! At this, he let out a sigh and said a silent prayer that Travis would hang around until his daughter arrived. He knew time was short.

  * * * * *

  A form, so small that the bed coverings enveloped all but a frail, wizened head, Travis shifted ever so slightly. Karen jerked awake and studied the fragile, old man who stirred in his sleep. Her Dad, how different he looked now! Gone was the powerful, towering man who made weaker people pale in comparison. In his place lay the still shape of human life, ebbing with each gasp of air. She knew his time was near. She wrapped her arms around her chest and without knowing she was doing it, she took long, deep breaths and tried to transpose them into his struggling frame. Her breaths came deeper and longer, calmer, until she no longer wished them into his body; they just became involuntary.

  She thought about the last week and how their relationship had come to a new crossroads. Travis Morton was a stubborn man; that’s for sure! Since her mother’s death, Karen had felt the depth and magnitude of his control. She knew that he loved her, but at times felt almost like a business acquisition. For now, the person in the bed presented a totally different impression-dependent on her in every way, a shadow of his former self. She reached down to touch his hand. So cold! Helplessness enveloped the room, stemming from the feeling that there was nothing she could do to change this situation; it also came from the inevitable state of his body.

  “Karen”, her father whispered. She bent over until her face could feel the faint exhalation of life seeping from his lips.

  “Yes, Dad. What is it?”

  His chest lifted with one final effort as he said one word, “sorry”, and then Travis Morton settled into the pillow and left this earth for a better place and time.

  She laid her head down in her father’s lap and wept for all the remembrances, both happy and sad, and for the loss of her only remaining parent. She wept for the futility of the time the two of them spent estranged. Looking on in spirit, Travis lingered, making a promise to be there for her in death, knowing now how much he missed by not being there for her in life.


  A small circle of friends gathered in the misty rain to pay their respects to Travis Morton. Karen stood slightly apart from the group, unaware of others until Harry walked up and put his hand gently on her shoulder. Turning, she offered a grateful smile as her eyes filled with tears. He slid his arm down around her waist, tenderly holding onto her. While they stared silently at the newly-dug gravesite, two men stood at a respectful distance, waiting to lower Travis Morton into his final resting place. Karen glanced over at the tombstone situated to the right of the casket. The inscription read, “Elizabeth Morton, beloved wife and mother. Born December 2, 1940, died August 14,199I”. “So young,” Harry whispered. “You know, your father really loved her…and you.” Karen looked up into his face and nodded, one small tear trailed down her cheek.

  “Do you want me to walk with you to the car?”

  Karen shook her head. “Just give me a few minutes.”

  Harry patted her on the shoulder and walked away, leaving her alone in her grief.

  “He certainly was a fine man,” a voice announced.

  She spun around to see a tall, good-looking man grinning at her. His hair was combed perfectly in place. He wore
an expensive suit, double-breasted; his shoes were shiny black. His hand rested comfortably in the pocket of his suit jacket and his whole demeanor exuded confidence, almost to the point of arrogance. As her eyes traveled up to his face again, she noted a cruel twist to his smile, or could it be that he was nervous? No matter, her first impression was not a positive one. Plus, he interrupted her final moments with her Dad.

  “Hello, Mrs. Sands.” He extended his hand, “I’m Jake Turner, your father’s attorney.”

  She took his hand and shook it without much enthusiasm, continuing to stare at him, wondering why she was reacting so negatively.

  He noted her irritation and tried to be as pleasant as possible. “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.”

  Karen stood perfectly still and waited.

  Jake cleared his throat and said, “He was a fine man” one more time, with an awkwardness that emphasized the silence.

  “Yes, he was a fine man,” she solemnly repeated. Glancing at the coffin one more time, she brushed a tear from her cheek and turned to walk back to the car. Her pace quickened as she felt him trying to keep up with her.

  “I didn’t realize he had died until I read the obituary two days ago,” he stammered.

  Karen stopped and stared at him until his eyes broke contact with hers and he shifted uncomfortably.

  “I know you probably don’t want to discuss it right now but we need to go over the will.”

  She glared for the longest time, only adding to his discomfort. “You’re right, Mr. Turner. Now is not a good time. Call me in a week.”

  He nodded and walked away.

  She watched his quick retreat and her intuition told her he was very nervous. She slowly walked toward the car still wondering about Jake Turner.

  Harry stood there, impatiently waiting for her, his arms crossed. “What did he want?”

  Sighing, “He wanted to know when we could get together to discuss the will. I can’t believe he didn’t just call; instead he shows up at the cemetery and wants to talk business. What a jerk!” She shook her head in disbelief, with a dawning realization that she didn’t care for Jake Turner. “I get the impression you don’t like him either.”

  Harry shrugged his shoulders, “Let’s just say I don’t trust him. He hesitated, “No, you’re right. There is something I don’t like about him. Also, I wanted to talk to you about things I’ve been hearing. Rumors are going around that the firm is not pleased with his work right now. Maybe you should wait a while before you schedule a meeting. Check into your father’s finances on your own before he calls. What do you think?”

  “I might just do that,” Karen said quietly as she watched Jake drive away.

  A smirk on his face, he looked in the rearview mirror and noticed her watching; his ego took hold, causing him to conclude that she must be interested.

  But just as curtly, his thoughts turned to the money he had taken from Travis Morton’s bank account, a glimmer of worry crept in, disrupted his thinking, then instantly evaporated, leaving him with a false sense of security.

  I’ve got plenty of time to move money around and replace it. She’ll never know! He grinned as he thought about how adept he had become at using his clients’ money.

  Since he had access to several bank accounts, he could take some when he needed it and they never knew the difference. His drug habit had become quite expensive over the last few months, making it imperative to find funds to cover his debts. He had come up with the perfect scam. He withdrew money from a client’s account to cover medical and household bills and allowed a little extra for himself. And, although he knew it was not his money to play with, the drugs robbed him of any values or ethics. Of course it was always his intention to pay it back, but the procrastination had led to borrowing from one account to cover another, robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  Not a bad deal, he thought, rubbing his hand across the bottom of his nose, a gesture that was becoming more and more frequent. Unaware of damage done by his cocaine abuse being noticed by others, he didn’t realize that a simple repetitive gesture of rubbing his nose was enough to set off alarm bells in some of his acquaintances.

  Jake thought about the next hit, hardly able to contain his excitement at the prospect, while congratulating himself on how he handled Karen Sands.

  Tomorrow he would maneuver the funds and everything would be back to normal.

  As he drove through the cemetery gates, Jake marveled at his ingenuity. He had been right to come out today and approach her, and he presented such a caring attitude. She had to be impressed! He tried unsuccessfully to stifle a chuckle as he drove away, oblivious to the fact that Travis was watching.

  He was there for the whole ceremony, and that included the ‘ceremony’ put on by Jake Turner. He watched until the car faded in the distance then he faded away too.

  * * * * *

  Upon entering her father’s house, Karen noticed a red blinking light in the distance, and, as she approached the living room, realized it was the voice mail on the phone. She pushed the button, smiling as she heard Jonathon’s voice.

  “Hi, honey. It’s me,” he said rather seriously. “Please call me as soon as you can. Love you,” whispering as he hung up the phone.

  Punching in the familiar number to their office, she waited for it to ring, knowing that he would be there to answer it.

  “Hello,” she heard her husband say.

  “Hi yourself. How are you?”

  “Alright, I guess, but how about you. Did everything go okay? I’m just sorry I couldn’t be there with you.”

  “I know, I know. Remember we talked about this and we agreed that you would stay and take care of the business.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he sighed, “but I’m having guilt pangs.”

  “Well, don’t. I just returned from the cemetery. A lot of Dad’s friends and employees were there. Several people gave some nice tributes to him.”

  “That’s great, but I’m still sorry I wasn’t with you.”

  “I know, but as I told you the other night, Dad and I talked and he was truly sorry for the way he treated you. He was hoping to make it up to us…” her voice trailed off.

  “Your father loved you, Karen. I’m just glad that the two of you had a chance to reconcile your differences. That’s all that matters.”

  “Thanks, honey. But, what’s going on there? You called and it sounded urgent.”

  “You know that Lofton deal that we have been trying to close for two months now? Well, they want us to meet with them day after tomorrow.”

  “Day after tomorrow! Can we postpone it? I won’t be back.”

  “It has to be then. They’re leaving for Europe that afternoon and won’t be back until Christmas.”

  Karen hesitated, trying to organize her thoughts, “I suppose I could fly back, and after we close you could come back with me to help with the estate.”

  “Sure, we could do that. Just call when you have your flight scheduled so I’ll know when to pick you up. Anything else?”

  “Yes!” She was remembering her uneasy feelings about Jake Turner. “I might have an appointment at my dad’s bank tomorrow. I’ll try to schedule it first thing in the morning so I can get a flight out sometime in the afternoon.”

  “Sure, no problem. As long as you get back in time to sign that contract, I’ll be happy.”

  Karen hung up the phone with a promise to call him as soon as she had the flight number and time of her arrival.

  She immediately grabbed the phone book and looked up the number of the bank, talked with a very friendly woman named Logan Massey, and arranged an appointment for the next morning at 9:00 a.m.

  After explaining the urgency of her request, Logan promised to have the account ready for both of them to peruse.

  Karen then made a flight reservation leaving at 5:10 p.m. the next day and called Jonathon, giving him the necessary information. Yawning, she hung up the phone and collapsed into her father’s favorite easy chair for a short nap.
Before long she was fast asleep.

  Harry tiptoed in and placed a blanket around her legs. He watched her sleep for a few minutes, wishing she would get through the next few weeks relatively unscathed, but his senses told him differently.

  * * * * *

  In a luxurious apartment, only miles away, Jake Turner relaxed with his latest drug buy. He leaned over to inhale a line of cocaine and the rush hit him instantly. He slumped back against the pillows on the couch, wringing his hands together in anticipation of sensations his body would experience.

  Smiling, gloating at the thought of how expertly he would take care of the small matter involving the funds he took from Travis Morton’s bank account, he congratulated himself on the little act he had put on at the cemetery. How she must have fallen for it!

  Jake, my man, you are the master! She’ll be so wrapped up in grieving the death of her old man… won’t make any moves until after they go over the will. No hurry…plenty of time. Maybe I’ll just stay home tomorrow. I deserve a day off. A cruel smile formed on his lips, a thin straight line with no upward curve.

  Such a sweet deal! No reason to panic. I can continue to raid clients’ bank accounts and no one will be the wiser.

  As night fell and shadows began to form in the living room, Jake never lost that wicked smile on his face. But, someone else watched, feeling only pity.


  The day after the funeral Karen sat across from Logan Massey. Logan, she found out, was the assistant branch manager at the bank. She established a friendly rapport with the beautiful, young woman, noting the sincerity in her voice when she expressed sorrow at the death of Karen’s father. She also felt a trust build up because they immediately got down to business, assuring the appointment would be completed in a timely manner, allowing her to catch her flight to California.