Borderland Read online

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  About the Author

  Other books by Jennifer Seet

  Back cover



  Jennifer Seet

  CCB Publishing

  British Columbia, Canada


  Copyright ©2012 by Jennifer Seet

  ISBN-13 978-1-927360-46-0

  Second Edition

  Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

  Seet, Jennifer, 1946-

  Borderland [electronic resource] / written by Jennifer Seet. – 2nd ed.

  Electronic monograph in PDF format.

  ISBN 978-1-927360-46-0

  Also available in print format.

  I. Title.

  PS3619.E356B67 2012 813'.6 C2012-902196-2

  Borderland by Jennifer Seet has been registered with the United States Copyright Office.

  Extreme care has been taken to ensure that all information presented in this book is accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Additionally, neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher.


  CCB Publishing

  British Columbia, Canada

  For Lynn, Judith, and Judy,

  thanks for all your hard work in editing this book.

  To my family, thanks for your encouragement, love, and patience.


  This book was a labor of love, many years in the making. Several years ago I sat down at the typewriter (Yes, I said “typewriter”!) and started pounding away on the keys. I gave considerable thought to Borderland while researching the paranormal, a topic I was interested in. Having some psychic ability and having had personal experiences since childhood, I knew what I wanted to write about. While researching, I also noted that there were not many fictional accountings of psychic phenomena at that time. That peaked my interest and solidified my decision to write a book in that category.

  During that time I counted on friends like Lynn Bates, Judith Carson, and Judy Cass to help me edit and improve my story. I could not have done it without their dedication, hard work, and refreshing honesty.

  I also want to thank my family: husband, Bob, sons, Rob, Jeff and Greg, and my daughter-in-law, Jen, for all their support and love. I especially want them to know how much they mean to me. To Greg…I admire your courage. You ARE an inspiration to us all.


  Smoldering with hatred and rage, eyes followed her every move. Early morning sun peeked through the window, highlighting Logan Massey’s slim, soft curves. It filtered the red and copper strands intermingled with her long predominant brown curls, spilling onto her face. Absentmindedly, she brushed fine wisps of hair from her cheek while she hastily threw jeans and sweatshirts into a suitcase. Lost in thought, with furrowed brow, unaware of watchful eyes, she checked the contents, making sure she remembered everything for a quick flight plan.

  The sunlight also picked up glints of yellow in her brown eyes, the color of a fine piece of topaz, and a flawless complexion, without signs of tension that come with age. The whole effect epitomized a beautiful woman in the prime of life, not quite twenty-seven, a birthday still six months away.

  Those watchful eyes, full of evil, wished only the worst for Logan, showed no interest in her at all, only decisive vigilance.

  Hands on her hips, she studied the clothing with intense concentration, causing lines across her forehead to crease her otherwise smooth face, so deep in thought, mentally and physically unaware of the watcher.

  Again, taking time to stare into the case, a mindless occupation with trivial detail to double-ensure nothing is forgotten. “Let’s see…do I have everything?”

  Nothing forgotten, she fought off the urge to replay the details of the last few days in her mind. Squeezing her eyes shut as small tears formed under her lids, “Why is this happening? Why me?”

  Eyes continued to bore into her with a red-hot loathing that was both terrifying and evil. A twisted, cruel smile formed on the watcher’s face. He enjoyed observing his prey; he only wished she could see him, but in due time she would.

  Snap! Wrapping fingers around the handle, “it’s finished,” she declared. Forget the past. Forge a new beginning…thoughts playing over and over again in her head. Because of me he took his life…trembling slightly, inner struggle raging on…Because of me he took his life!

  Quickly her body stiffened; senses were on edge; something, a tension maybe, there was an uneasy stillness in the air. With autonomous motion, holding her breath, gazing slowly and timidly at first, then faster, she felt the signs of panic invade her. Her head swimming, dizziness forced her to slow down, breathe easier and calmly evaluate the feeling. The safety of the past wasn’t there as she took in the familiar surroundings. Her apartment was small, cozy, very comforting. She tried to reassure herself that it had always signified a refuge from the stress and rigors of the outside world.

  But, at the moment, Logan didn’t feel safe. Staring at the four walls, movement! She blinked. Wait a minute, she thought, wait just a minute! Is it my imagination or did the walls move? She blinked again and looked away, more out of doubt than any fear of what she couldn’t see or didn’t know.

  Her eyes traveled down to the piece of luggage in her hand. Knuckles gleamed stark white from holding onto the case with such a force, causing her hand to ache. The brain, finally registering the tightness with which she held onto the handle, instantly relaxed her fingers and she exhaled. She felt a physical relief, dulling of the pain from holding the handle so tightly, although no sense of relief from the alarm she still held inside.

  This is so ridiculous! Shaking her head in disbelief at how scared she felt. Now reaching out to touch a wall, steady herself, quickly her hand fell to her side as she remembered that movement she thought she had seen. I can’t let this stop me. It just shows how much I need to get away right now… and that is precisely what I plan to do!

  She headed toward the bathroom to grab her cosmetic bag, continuing in her quest to rid herself of the apprehension she couldn’t seem to shake.

  The eyes watched her every move with such intense hatred that it caused the walls to undulate. A palpable energy, borne of evil, was brought forth by the sinister presence. Walls moved; eyes glared, fear crept in.

  Grabbing for her cosmetic case atop the makeup table, swinging around with single motion and purpose, the case slipped from her grasp and slid slowly to the bathroom floor, making a soft ‘thud’ when it hit.

  Staring straight ahead, eyes never wavering, she looked as if she was in a hypnotic trance. A twinge of fear crawled up her spine, filling the blood
stream with ice as she continued to focus on the mirror, her brain trying to make sense of it all-the isolated word, in blood-red lettering, traced there for her, the meaning clear-DEATH.

  Logan closed her eyes, jerking her head back and forth, yearning for denial. Eyelids fluttered as she caught herself from fainting, leaned to one side and grabbed the countertop. Gathering her senses, she continued to support her body and lowered her head.

  Breathe! Think! This is absurd! Terrible things happened the last few days and I desperately need a rest! But, this can’t be! It all played in her mind as she once again prepared to look up.

  “What!” Gasping, she slid to the floor. Nothing was there; the mirror was clean and unmarked, just as it had been earlier that morning.

  How can that be! Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Possibly, she admitted; the stress of the last few days weighed heavily. Even her boss had urged her to take time off.

  Well, Bill was right; I could use the vacation if this is any indication of my state of mind!

  Despondent, shoulders sagging, she reached for the cosmetic case, and, tightly clasping the bag, she took another breath, looked at the mirror one more time, and scurried from the room.

  Penetrating, the eyes followed her exit, glistening hard and cold with desire for revenge.

  Reaching the front door of her apartment, Logan hesitated, still sensing something, what, she didn’t know. Nerve endings tingled with raw electricity; her body tensed. “I’m leaving!” yelling to no one in particular, twisting the doorknob, jerking the door wide open. Not knowing why she said that, resisting the urge to look around one more time, she slammed the door shut with a resounding crack, exiting her home.

  Fear went with her, leaving a false sense of reality behind. Hatred trailed her departure like the unseen shadow lurking in the dark.

  The tiny apartment throbbed as a figure slowly formed in the quiet compound of the room, giving substance to the unholy eyes that previously watched with such piercing fierceness. As the misty form took shape, announcing its presence, it spawned into a creature, not of this earth, and even though the specter exhibited some human traits, they were frightful in appearance. At one time it might have been considered a handsome enough being, but now ugliness and hatred oozed from every pore. The face was an evil mask of the soul, horrible to look at, let alone envision as the body palpitated with a satanic energy barely contained beneath the surface. All of this wickedness had one focus- Logan Massey. A smile curled up on the cruel lips, so terrifying that it would elicit fear in the heart of any human with the misfortune of being in its line of sight. So grotesque, it pondered the fate of its victim, and a spray of spittle accompanied a roar of words, “THE BITCH WILL DIE!”

  Chapter One

  “Harry,” came the soft, weak voice from across the room. He looked up from his book but his first inclination was to gaze back down at the print since this was the current bestseller by his favorite author and he couldn’t wait to finish it. A well lined, weathered face showed the inner struggles, but then, continuing to stare at his dear friend, the lines began to disappear.

  “What do you need, Travis,” he asked the slight, bent shape lounging in the overstuffed chair facing the fireplace. “Are you warm enough? Do you need a blanket?”

  Putting up his hand in a dismissing gesture, Travis replied, “Come over here so we can talk.”

  He rose with none of the quickness he had in his younger days, slowly made his way across the room, and sat down on the fireplace ledge, still holding his book between his legs.

  “I’ve been thinking. You and I know that I don’t have long to live.” Harry opened his mouth, ready to protest, but Travis held up his hand. “No…no, listen to what I have to say.”

  Noticing his trembling hands and wavering voice, Harry could see that what Travis had to tell him was very difficult so he waited patiently.

  “I want you to call Karen for me.”

  Harry raised his eyebrows at the mention of ‘Karen’.

  “I need to see her because we have to talk.”

  Amazing! Karen was Travis’ daughter, but they had been estranged for several years. Just last week he tried to convince him to contact her. Thinking his efforts had been futile because there was no indication he was even listening, now he wondered… maybe his stubborn old friend had paid attention!

  A slight smile formed but soon faded as Harry remembered the suffering and missed companionship. Sadness over the separation permeated the whole house; even he fought to maintain a positive attitude amidst all the loneliness.

  But, it would be so nice to see her again! Being treated like a member of the family for so many years, he had the same feelings as her father… caring, missing her, longing to see her again, love for a daughter, everything he missed out on by never marrying or having a family himself.

  “Great! I’ll call her first thing in the morning,” he said, spryly walking back across the room. He settled in his chair, already starting to formulate plans for the visit.

  The book still open on his lap, concentration broken, nothing could have prepared him for that request. He knew Travis was ill and didn’t have long to live. Maybe his longtime friend had sensed the end of his own mortality and decided to make amends.

  Harry let his mind wander over what had occurred the last several years. It all began when Elizabeth died.

  Elizabeth...She was the glue that held the tiny family unit together. She and Travis Morton had been married almost ten years with no hint of children in their future, but then Elizabeth went to the doctor because she thought she was suffering from a bout of stomach flu. Pregnancy was the farthest thing from her mind, but when the doctor told them the news, she was speechless, Travis, ecstatic.

  Together, they awaited the birth of their child with gleeful anticipation, and, when he held the tiny bundle in his arms for the first time, he fell in love all over again. He didn’t think it possible to love two women and now his beautiful baby girl, Karen, stole his heart too. Tending to his wife as if she was a piece of fine china, he fed, diapered and soothed the baby to sleep, reveling in his new role as proud father while mother regained her strength.

  The ensuing years brought untold happiness and joy. When Karen was in high school however, her Mom began to have spells where she would stay in bed for days at a time. It was obvious she was in a lot of pain.

  When Elizabeth finally went to the doctor and learned the truth, she made Travis promise not to tell their daughter. Only the two of them knew the full extent of her illness…that cancer had dealt them a cruel blow. The doctor told them they didn’t have much time, but in their desire to protect Karen, they held her at bay.

  She dealt with her apprehension by spending long periods alone, wondering at the reason for her parents’ preoccupation.

  Elizabeth lasted only four months, dying quietly in her sleep. Travis, so overcome with grief, ignored his daughter’s attempts to share his feelings. Then, and only then, did the doctor reveal to Karen that her Mother had died from liver cancer. By the time Travis realized he had totally ignored the one person left in his life he truly adored, she went away to college, and he experienced the loss of his love all over again. He compensated by trying to exert too much control over her.

  Karen rebelled and it was no surprise to Harry. She still resented her parents’ decision not to tell the truth about her mother’s illness.

  Harry stood by, watching all of this happen while working for Travis at his insurance agency in Indianapolis, Indiana. The two men had become very close friends over several years. Travis hired him when no one else would take a chance on him.

  Harry Parker, known as a loner, very quiet and withdrawn, lived with his mother throughout college, worked to put himself through school and never had time to meet a young lady, fall in love and marry. By the time he graduated, his mother was very ill and he spent his time nursing her until her death years later.

  When he finally tested the job market, employers were leery
of hiring a thirty-one year old who had not worked in ten years, whose people skills were less than desirable, and whose college training was a bit outdated.

  Willing to take a chance on this shy young man, thirty years later and a lifetime of friendship in the process, Travis never regretted his decision.

  Harry was there when Travis and Elizabeth Morton were newlyweds. He spent time in their home, enjoying their hospitality, during holidays and for regular weekly dinners. It gave the couple an opportunity to hear his story and have a renewed appreciation for what he had accomplished… completing college, caring for his mother, and postponing his own career until after her death. Even though it seemed as if there were some details of his previous and present life that he did not share, they recognized his sense of loyalty to family, saw it develop towards the two of them, and finally, when Karen came along, they noticed it expand to include her as well.

  He was there when Elizabeth became sick, saw what the illness did to Karen, recognized the hurt and knew instinctively when she needed to lean on him for support. Keeping in touch during her college years, he was always available when she needed someone to talk to, affirming a very special bond that continued to exist. For his part, Harry just knew; he knew exactly when things started to fall apart between Karen and her Dad.

  That was one of the things that always set him apart, made him different from a young age. He had a sixth sense that others remarked on but didn’t understand. His mother called it a ‘gift’ but sometimes it scared people and they distanced themselves from him. His Mother understood because she had the gift too. She taught him to respect it, not use it lightly. He saw things others didn’t, knew things before anyone else did. He was a psychic.


  When Karen went to college in Illinois, she met Jonathon Sand, a kind sensitive young man, willing to listen and offer words of encouragement when she needed it most.