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Page 12

  Crowded out by the aura as it expanded to overtake him, Jake was forced to retreat further and further into the background. But before disappearing completely, he let out a beastly growl, angry and frustrated at his inability to completely overpower and conquer the Good.

  The noise registered enough to make Harry stir one more time, but his mother blocked it, sealing him off from any more dreadful sounds. And, with the all-encompassing white mist came a peace settling into the room like a breath of fresh air. The only sounds now were the swooshing and thumping of the machinery attached to the lifelines crisscrossing his body.

  * * * * *

  In the hospital cafeteria Lou and Betty sat at one of the dented Formica tables, sipping hot coffee and discussing what to do about Harry.

  Travis was watching over the elderly couple, intent on hearing their impressions of his friend.

  “Did you hear him? He knows Logan and he’s here because of her! At least that’s the impression I got.”

  Betty took another drink, grimacing at the strong taste of coffee that had been left sitting too long in the pot. She grabbed for a small packet of cream, tore off the top, and dumped it into her cup. Swirling her spoon around in the lukewarm liquid, she considered what Lou had just said. “Well, you may be right. I mean, he certainly surprised me when he mentioned her name.”

  Putting her spoon down carefully on top of the napkin, she raised the cup to her lips, took another drink and seemed satisfied with the finished product. “Why don’t we just ask her if she knows him? Although…” she continued, “don’t know how she’ll take that. We haven’t seen her in a while. She might think we’re being presumptuous.”

  “Oh, come on Betty, we just tell her what he said and see how she reacts. Besides, what if she really is in danger, maybe even from this Harry guy?”

  Considering this, “Well, he certainly can’t hurt her now …or anyone for that fact.”


  Swishing her coffee around inside her mouth to neutralize the remaining bitterness, she finally set down her cup and said, “Okay, let’s do it. Can’t hurt. We’ve had some strange happenings the last few days and I, for one, would like to find out what’s going on!”

  As they slid their chairs back from the table, the creak made a sound like fingernails raking against a blackboard, signaling the unpleasantness of the task ahead of them. Both felt they were getting into something they didn’t know much about. They didn’t share it with each other, but they also felt dread and fear, almost like they knew danger was imminent.

  Betty reached out and grabbed Lou’s hand to steady him as he stood. She rubbed her hand over his knuckles and gazed into his eyes, a loving habit they had had for years. He put his arm around her as they turned to leave the cafeteria.

  Watching them, Travis felt a longing for his Elizabeth. They had had their own little signals, the kind that pass between two lovers who have been together for a long time, recognized only by those who share the same kind of love. Now, as he lingered in the cafeteria, he felt a strong desire to complete his assignment and be with her for eternity.

  But, he knew it would not be easy and a worried expression crossed his face. He had to assist them, but how?

  Betty and Lou were planning to talk to Logan, but weren’t too sure of Harry’s motives. Travis needed to let them know Harry was only trying to help. But how could he do that?

  All of these questions lay heavily on his heart as he considered his next move and watched them leave the hospital.

  * * * * *

  When Harry’s meddlesome mother appeared, Jake escaped from the hospital room and overheard Betty and Lou’s dilemma too. He gloated over the unexpected turn of events.

  Harry will be blamed for everything! Sweet deal! All I have to do is sit back and let the old couple talk to Logan. She’s never met Harry so how will she know him? It’s perfect! And then, while they’re all focused on him, I can get rid of Logan without interference from anyone, even Travis and the rest of those spirit saviors. She’ll be dead and banished before they can do a thing!

  * * * * *

  Logan guided her car steadily into the motel parking lot. Chief Helton had released it to her barely fifteen minutes ago. Trying to be reassuring, he told her that they couldn’t find anything wrong, but this only upset her more.

  Jim Eller, Carl’s mechanic, had gone over the car with a fine-tooth comb--the steering mechanism, accelerator--everything was in good working order.

  The chief also tried to console her about Carl’s death, explaining what she already knew-the lift had not malfunctioned, but had fallen. Maybe he had accidentally tripped the switch. No one knew for sure, but Chief Helton gave the impression that the death would be ruled an accident, thus closing the book on the investigation.

  But, I know it wasn’t an accident, she thought. It was Jake Turner. He flipped the switch, killing Carl, because he wanted to scare the living daylights out of me, show me his power…but why?

  With furrowed brow and trembling jaw, she considered his motives for wanting to harm her… and those around her.

  I guess he blames me for his suicide. He knows I found the evidence of his financial pilfering.

  He was stealing from his own clients…what kind of lawyer would do that?

  As part of her investigation, she heard about the changes in his personality when she called some of his business associates and friends. People who knew him had been worried for quite some time. In fact, some of them had tried talking to him more than once but to no avail. He just wouldn’t listen, they said. He would become extremely impulsive and violent over trivial matters, and as a result, most of his friends had deserted him by the time of his death. They were just too afraid.

  But, can personality live on after death? Can someone be so unstable that he could reach out and cause murder, even from the other side?

  These questions and fears were troubling Logan as she got out of the car and walked towards the restaurant. Head down, she almost bumped into Lou Gleason as he was coming out the door.

  Startled, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there, Logan. I was just going to call you. Betty’s inside and we were wondering if you could talk to us for a minute, have a cup of coffee and a bite to eat.”

  Logan saw the concern on his face and was curious as to why, but waited for him to say more.

  “We had something happen here today and need to talk to you about it.”

  “Well… sure, no problem. I was coming for lunch. Just picked up my car and haven’t eaten yet.”

  She saw Betty sitting in a corner booth and gave her a wave as she entered the restaurant.

  Sliding into the booth next to Betty, they made small talk until Lou brought her some coffee and apple pie from the kitchen. Conversation was light, mostly about the beautiful fall weather, while Logan finished her pie.

  Then they explained why they needed to talk to her.

  Betty spoke first, “We needed to see you because there’s something going on and we can’t figure it out. Logan, are you in danger?”

  Realizing the abruptness of her tone, she reached out to touch the young woman’s hand and saw the shocked look and tears spring into her eyes. She regretted making her cry but was curious as to why it caused such a strong reaction.

  “I’m sorry, honey, but someone told us they thought you might be in trouble, so we had to ask.”

  Immediately thinking of Tom, Logan assumed he must have called them after seeing her in Nashville. Probably still wonders why I left in such a hurry without confiding in him. Maybe he thought they could get me to talk.

  This is crazy! I have to tell him! Or, this could really get out of hand, because now he has everyone worried about me!

  She wrapped her hands around the coffee cup, felt the warmth, gathered her courage, and decided to take a chance. “I know…I know…Look I can explain everything. You’re going to think I’m crazy but there’s someone following me. He…he followed me all the way from Indiana
polis. But,” she hesitated, still trying to decide how to tell this story of being chased by a ghost.

  “Oh, we already know who it is,” Lou interrupted, relief showing on his face. “We just took him to the hospital because he had a heart attack.”

  “What!” Logan’s eyes grew large. “I don’t know who you’re talking about!”

  Lou looked at Betty as if he didn’t know what to say.

  “Harry Parker. Don’t you know him?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Should I?”

  “You say he followed you from Indianapolis?”

  “No, I mean yes,” Logan answered too embarrassed to mention a ghost now. “I don’t know him…but he must have been the one who followed me.”

  Avoiding eye contact, feeling guilty at not being able to admit who was really following her, she gave in to the ready excuse of blaming this Harry Parker.

  Who is he? And, why am I so afraid to tell the truth? I know it was Jake Turner, but I can’t tell them that…at least not yet…they’d never believe me.

  “Do you have any idea why he might be following you,” Betty persisted.

  Logan took some time before answering with a question of her own. “You say he had a heart attack?”

  Lou explained, “Yes, early this morning. We looked out the window and saw him collapse right outside his room. It looked like he saw something and then…he just jumped and fell back. We ran over and tried to help but we knew right away he was in bad shape.”

  Folding his hands and looking down at the table, “Betty said he told her he saw a face in the window. Of course, he could have been delusional…from the heart attack you know.”

  Logan caught the last comment but didn’t express any emotion. She still felt uncomfortable talking about ghosts.

  “I called 911; the paramedics came and took him to the hospital. Betty and I followed the ambulance, had a chance to talk to him before we came back here, even though he was in and out of consciousness.”

  “Did he say he knew me?”

  “No, but he mentioned your name and looked real nervous. I think he’s hiding something, not sure what, but I just have that feeling.”

  “Is there someone you could call in Indianapolis to see if they know him or if he called to ask about you?” Betty asked, concern in her eyes.

  Logan thought about it. Who knew I was coming here? Bill! Maybe he would know something.

  “Bill Jensen, my boss at the bank, he knew I was coming here. I can’t think of anyone else. I can give him a call and see if he knows a Harry Parker, and if he called inquiring about me.”

  Quietly getting up to clean off the table, Betty and Lou left her deep in thought.

  A face! Mr. Parker saw a face in the window! She wondered if it had scared him enough to cause the heart attack. Maybe he knows about Jake; maybe that’s why he’s here…to warn me. But how did he know I was here? How would he know about me? I need to call Bill and find out.

  Logan hurriedly left the restaurant, deciding to use her cell phone to call Bill, but as she got out to the parking lot, she realized she didn’t have it with her.

  “Better get back to the cabin and call. Need to find out what’s going on,” she muttered to herself as she got in her car and sped away.

  “There’s something funny going on, Betty,” Lou said as he stared at the speeding car leaving the lot. “She acted like she was about ready to tell us something and then, when I mentioned that fella’s name, she looked surprised!”

  “I know, Lou, I don’t think she expected us to say THAT name. It was like she expected to hear another name. Betty furiously rubbed a cloth across the table, “There’s more to this story than she’s telling.”


  Neither of them challenged her motives for keeping secrets. It wasn’t their nature to criticize, but it made them more curious. Unfortunately, before long, both of them would understand she was not telling them everything…and why. Also, they would understand only too well what Harry was talking about when he said he saw a face in the window, a face that planned harm to one of them.

  * * * * *

  The bed creaked as Logan shifted her weight to lift up on one elbow; the telephone cord dangled from her other hand. “What do you mean he needed to talk to me? Who is Harry Parker?”

  “Calm down,” Bill said. “I’m going to tell you; just give me a chance.”

  She had called a few minutes ago, sputtering some story about a strange man who had followed her to Brown County. She told Bill about Harry, the heart attack, the Gleasons, but nothing about Jake Turner. When she mentioned Harry Parker by name, Bill was at first relieved, but his concern deepened when he thought about his phone call.

  He had said that his reason for needing to contact Logan was to ask about some financial figures regarding Travis Morton’s bank account. But, why would he drive all that way to see her? Why couldn’t he wait until she came back from vacation? Maybe the accuracy of the figures needed to be checked for a settlement or the reading of the will. At any rate, he didn’t think Harry planned to harm Logan and he was going to tell her that.

  “And…” Logan blurted out, “He told them I was in danger!”

  Bill sat straight up, his swivel chair almost pitching him over backwards. “What do you mean?” His voice took on a more serious tone while he subconsciously reached up to rub his chin.

  Logan realized too late that she had said more than necessary, and now Bill was worried. “Oh,” she stammered, “it’s probably nothing. After all, he had a heart attack. He probably didn’t even know what he said. Anyway, why did he tell you he wanted to talk to me?”

  Slowly, still pondering the reasons for Harry’s trip to Brown County, “Something about Travis Morton’s bank account…Travis was his boss.”

  “Wonder why he came all the way down here to talk about that?”

  “Probably needed a quick answer for the will or something,” Bill suggested, trying hard not to upset her too much. “Will he be alright?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  Little did he know that she was already beginning to formulate a plan to see Harry, and discover the real reason for his coming down to see her.

  “Well, are you worried, and if so, do you want me to come down there?”

  “No, I’m not worried.” The last thing she needed was someone else to get involved, possibly get hurt, or even worse…. “Let me talk to Mr. Parker. I’ll call you back later, after I’ve had time to talk to him.”

  Bill frowned. He didn’t like the idea. He thought about Harry Parker, the phone call and his interest in Logan. Why was he so intent on seeing her? And, why didn’t he make himself known to her once he arrived? What was he planning? He had presented himself over the phone as Travis Morton’s trusted employee. It doesn’t make sense. His mind raced as he tried to understand the situation, but not jump to any negative conclusions.

  “Well, if you need me to come down, just call and let me know,” he finally said. He wasn’t happy about it but maybe it bought him some time to find out more about the guy.

  Logan smiled, appreciating the fatherly gesture. He always managed to assume that role when she asked for advice or assistance. “That’s very nice of you, Bill. Besides…” she hesitated; she wanted to tell him about Tom but it was probably too early, better keep that a secret for now.

  “Besides, what?”

  Logan sighed, “Oh, nothing. Look, I’ll go to the hospital and visit Mr. Parker and find out why he’s here. He can’t do anything while he’s in a hospital bed. Will that satisfy you?”

  “I guess so…” Bill paused, “but be careful.” He was still not sure of Harry’s motivation to follow Logan all the way to southern Indiana. It didn’t make sense and a small seed of doubt and worry began to take shape.

  “Bill, I’m fine,” attempting to reassure him. “And, I have Mr. and Mrs. Gleason to help me.”

  A long silent pause followed as he thought about whether he should come down or not.

  “If you want,” she offered, “I’ll give you their number and you can call and check on them too.” She smiled, imagining him beginning to realize she was teasing.

  “Don’t get smart with me,” he chided her. “Just be sure you call back real soon.”

  “Okay, I will,” she replied softly as she hung up the phone and leaned back against a pillow.

  She placed her hands behind her neck, intertwining the fingers while gazing up at the ceiling. A myriad of thoughts tumbled around inside her head. What she really needed was some answers…and quickly!

  Her eyes absentmindedly glanced at the clock and she jumped with a start when she realized the time. Three o’clock! And, I’m due at Tom’s house by four! Yet, I need to talk to Harry Parker. There’s just not enough time!

  Logan sat up and swung her legs around, planted her feet squarely on the floor, put her hands on the bed, pushed to a standing position and decided right then and there to go see Tom first.

  I owe it to him and I need to explain what’s going on. I have to trust that he will hear me out and not think I’m crazy. Hopefully he’ll understand, and quite honestly, I need his help. Maybe the two of us can visit Harry tonight. Tom can listen to what he has to say and make sense out of it.

  He’s not here to see me about bank accounts. No, he’s here he knows something and it involves that face in the window. Maybe he even knows its’ name.

  But, Logan knew the name already…Jake Turner.

  Harry saw a face and it landed him in the hospital. He has to know something!

  “If you’re listening…I’m going to find out the truth and nothing’s going to stop me!”